My Background with Horses
Before I studied as a dog trainer, I was lucky enough to work as a groom on a rescue and rehab yard with horses. Around 80% of those horses were unworkable due to conformational faults and musculoskeletal issues. When horses were exercised, we were taught to look at gait irregularities, muscle tone, and the horses’ behavior in relation to their work.
Identifying Pain in Horses
Is the horse finding something hard? Why is it not able to do what is being asked of it? Why is a horse behaving in a way that is perhaps dangerous, like bucking, rearing, or bolting? The first thing that was done was to rule out pain. The horse would see the vet, the dentist, the physio, and a saddle fitter, and 99% of the time, pain was a contributing factor in the horse’s behavior.
Comparing Advice for Horses and Dogs
It is common advice now in the equine world that if your horse’s behavior changes, you get it checked by various professionals for signs of pain. So why is this advice so less commonly given for our dogs? Yes, there are many causes of dog reactivity, including genetics, past experience, and lack of socialization; however, pain is something that we need to make sure has been thoroughly addressed.
The Importance of Vet Checks for Dogs
Before I see a dog for a reactivity or aggression issue, I always request a thorough vet check and preferably a check from a canine body worker (I highly recommend Claire Lawrence, McTimoney Therapist). The results, quite frankly, speak for themselves. Hip and elbow issues are always common. I’ve seen dogs with bilateral hip and elbow dysplasia who actually never showed any outward signs of lameness to the untrained eye. Misalignments, sore muscles, arthritis, deep-seated ear infections, bladder infections, digestive issues, and recently, a bone infection, are all ailments that have contributed significantly to the behavior of many dogs I have seen.
The Impact of Resolving Pain
Once the pain-related issue was resolved or managed, the dog’s behavior improved, or it might just be that the dog is then in a more suitable position to learn. We know ourselves that if we are feeling unwell or in pain, trying to learn a new skill is sometimes hard, if not impossible.
Changes in Household Dynamics
We also need to look at the changes in relationships that happen between our pets that share the same household and what can happen as dogs get older. Something I have come up against when dealing with aggression between dogs in the same household is the belief that the younger dog is looking to take the position of pack leader as the older dog’s health is now failing. However, it has been well documented by scientists that dogs do not form packs. What I have seen, though, is that the older dog, with musculoskeletal issues, now cannot move as fast, or perhaps has failing eyesight and is firstly failing to pick up on the body language of the younger dog, that perhaps space is needed, and secondly, that they cannot move away from the other dog fast enough for the younger dog to feel comfortable.
A Cautionary Tale
A few years ago, I had a trainer tell me with great pride that she had gone to see a dog that was resource guarding a sofa and she had got a broom and hit it as hard as possible because she felt that the motive behind the dog’s behavior was that it wanted to dominate its owner. The training method and methodology alone are enough to make anyone wince, but something else that really made me wince was the fact that my own dog appeared to resource guard the sofa, but upon further investigation, it transpired that she had fused vertebrae and any movement under her as she lay was causing her a great deal of pain.
Personal Experience with Pain
I myself have scoliosis. I suffer from back and neck pain. Most people don’t know this because I carry on as normal and they haven’t asked (why would they?). However, when it’s bad, I am grumpy as is anyone, and of course, I am more irritable. We need to expect the same of our dogs, and if there is a behavior change, the first thing we should do is book an appointment with a vet and start the investigation by asking the question, ‘Are you in pain?’
Bear in mind that a vet may not be able to pick up on musculoskeletal issues, plus going to the vet can cause a dog’s adrenaline levels to rise, which may disguise any pain, so ask for that referral to a canine body worker.